Date: June 2015 / Role: Creative Director / URL: www.jurassicworld.com /

Inspired by Jurassic World’s themes of innovation and epic storytelling, we developed a digital campaign that brings the theme park to life as an immersive, in-world experience. The campaign treats the island as if it were absolutely real, giving fans something they’ve wanted for more than 20 years… without the risk of being eaten.

As Creative Director at Trailer Park, I lead our team on the campaign's digital creative solutions, including our groundbreaking in-world theme park website. The site builds anticipation by showcasing every detail the real Jurassic World would offer: hotels, attractions, travel packages, time-reactive announcements, video feeds, and of course, dinosaurs. At the center of it all, an interactive map encourages users to explore Isla Nublar, location by location.

Our UX/UI solutions had to be forward-thinking to demonstrate this idea of innovation, that a theme park built on genetic modification, for which no expense was spared, would be leagues ahead of anything currently in the market. From the very start, we created JurassicWorld.com to have a cross-platform responsive design that puts the user at the center of the experience.

Our goal was to create an immersive experience so engaging that people were compelled to explore every corner of the site, discover great content with every click, tap or swipe, and ultimately “book their trip” by purchasing tickets to see the film.

Throughout this campaign, we’ve been fortunate enough to leverage and create a ton of original content to promote this experience and showcase the amazing wonders of Jurassic World. We partnered with paleo-journalist Brian Switek to fact-check our work and provide copy, paleontologists from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County to photograph dinosaur fossils, and paleo-illustrator Julius Csotonyi for his incredible dinosaur renders.

Even Google wanted to join us in the Jurassic adventure. It was a partnership 65 million years in the making and an honor to work with their development and marketing groups to help launch their new app, Google Photos.


Glenn Sanders, Group Creative Director
Brad Burris, Digital Creative Director
Brett Levisohn, Executive Producer, Filmed Content
Miguel Caballero, Associate Creative Director/Writer
Matt Dinoff, Senior Art Director
Danielle Stone, User Experience Lead Designer
Kim Tran, Senior Designer
Bryan Davila, Digital Producer/"Theme Park" Architect
Alex Cipriano, Social Media Manager/Writer
Justin Nagtalon, Social Media Designer
Rachael Hardwick, Senior Art Director, Digital Content
Sean Salter, Associate Creative Director/Illustrator, Park Map & Social Content
Rob Stemm, Director, Technology
Geoffrey Booth, Lead Developer
Danny Duong, Developer
Adam Haley, Developer
Rachelle Gray, Developer
Taylor Bourne, Developer
Evienne Zander, QA
Matt Motschenbacher, Group Director, Client Services


New York Times
"Thanks in part to a huge and well-executed digital marketing campaign, it became the must-see movie of the summer, eclipsing even the Disney/Marvel blockbuster “Avengers” sequel."
"The 15 Coolest Things on the ‘Jurassic World’ Website"
Web Designer Magazine UK
Welcome to Jurassic World - Take a peek inside how Trailer Park built the almost real world of the greatest ever dinosaur experience
WSI World
"The INGEN-ious Marketing of JURASSIC WORLD"